Coconut Oil

This oil is the product of subjecting fresh grated coconut to heat processes, without the help of any type of solvent, and therefore obtaining a pure and virgin oil.

Las plantaciones de donde proceden estos cocos, no son fertilizados, ni fumigados y por ende son cien por ciento natural y libre de pesticidas.
Son numerosos los beneficios que nos brinda el aceite de coco, tanto por sus nutrientes como por sus propiedades medicinales.

It is very rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron.

Coconut oil has antibiotic and antifungal power, prevents neurodegenerative diseases, reduces cholesterol, is an antioxidant, exfoliating moisturizer, etc.

Our coconut oil, handmade, pure, one hundred percent natural, is suitable for all uses, such as cooking, drinking, using on the skin, face or hair, as well as making different remedies.
